December 74 degrees in the house just from Sun, 66 in greenhouse Sun only. Feels like Fall not Winte
In the news online where more of the facts seem to come out like: 910 Million in Damages since 1986 from Oil spills....

Nature Can Save Us!
Are you tired of the suburbia enslaved debt-ridden, stressful and self absorbed rat race? Ready to be more self reliant and happy? If you...

As Fall turns into Winter the demonstration Food Forest has been harvested, composted, Chopped & Dropped, added nitrogen fixing cuttings...

RMP trying to stop Solar in Utah
Attention Utah Rocky Mountain is going to make it more expensive to get solar after Dec. 9th, 2016 (update rate hike postponed) So I had...

Permaculture is the study of Nature
What is Permaculture? From our Founder of Permaculture Bill Mollison : “This is what others are doing: ” They wanted to live in a...