Utah Valley Permaculture
Classroom Gardens & Greenhouse
Let Nature Grow Your Food!
About Us
Come join us in learning the most empowering, inspiring, and fun way to sustainability and saving our planet. Learn how Permaculture Edible Food Forests, Regenerative Agriculture, and Ecosystem Restoration is where Nature is teaching the next generation sustainable methods of growing food and living.
COME LEARN HOW TO GROW FOOD SUSTAINABLY THE WAY NATURE DOES Courses, videos, pictures, more info at http://www.permaculturedesignschool.org for 6 mos PDC Courses, Workshops, Free Educational videos on BLOG, Youtube videos on our Utah Valley Permaculture Channel, and our FB group Utah Valley Permaculture Classroom Gardens & Greenhouse Constant updates under Announcements Pt, 1, 2, 3 Videos links in Comments. Till we find a webmaster to volunteer help on this website, we are updating Free reearch, events, videos, pictures and anything ecosystem restoration related on our FB group.
Journey through and explore a cool and edible climate. come and watch the many different kinds of birds, dozens of bees in all sizes and colors, and even Monarch , Swallowtail and other butterflies. Learn how to identify edible, herbal and beneficial plants all in one day! Experience how fun it can be to learn how Nature takes care of many living things. It helps control the rain cycles, grow healthy plants and takes care of all our planet, including us.
IN the desert foothills of Orem, Utah is the last place you would expect to find 63 delicious fruit and nut trees, 34 varieties of nutritious anti-oxidant Native Utah Berry bushes, 100s of herb, root , tropical,and edible food forest plants in a self sustainable demonstration Food Forest on 1/8 acre. Families from Richfield, Kanab to Ogden, Logan to Vernal, AZ, CA, CO, NV, MD, ID, WY, OR , Australia, New Zealand, and France have come to tour this classroom Garden of Eden for 6 years. Over 70 families have taken the 6 month Permaculture Design Course. In addition, at the www.permaculturedesignschool.org, 's annual PERMA BLITZES, one family or school has their Food Forests put in by students and teachers. 26 Food Forests have now been established after they were designed. The designs were created by students themselves at www.permaculturedesignschool.org
Thank you John Kohler of Grow Your Greens Show for filming our Food Forest Demo Garden this year. Thank you volunteers that help the education be given to all. #permaculture #foodforest #ecosystemrestoration #pdc #rainwaterharvesting #growyourgreens #compost #permaculturedesignschool #regenerativeagriculture
Events and Media
Find out what's happening in our garden now!

Courses and Programs
Classes, workshops, and our certified Permaculture Design Course. Click here to learn more!
There are many ways to help and learn as you go! Click here to see our current offerings.